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Text File | 1996-05-18 | 46.3 KB | 1,142 lines |
- Last updated: 6 April, 1995
- Maintained by: Charles McGrew <mcgrew@info.rutgers.edu>
- Here is a list of all files to be found anywhere in this ftp area.
- This is sort of an intermediate step; leading toward a more rational
- reorganization of the whole thang. But for now, this is what there
- is. ("." for directory name means the top-level -- /pub/ufo)
- Please note: I make no guarantees about the truthfulness or
- accuracy of any of the files contained herein (except ones written by
- myself, which I have made every effort to keep accurate.) Do not
- jump to any conclusions; in this game, you can't tell the players
- without a scorecard, and the scorecard is classified! :-)
- Filename Desc. Dir.
- -------------------- -------------------------------------- -------
- 1122laco.ufo Notes from an 1989 interview of paranet
- Bob Lazar.
- 1209laz.ufo Transcript of a (different) 1989 paranet
- George Knapp interview of Bob Lazar.
- 1214hard.ufo Excerpts from a 1989 Chuck Harder paranet
- interview bearing on the Lazar case.
- 1220laz.ufo Transcript of (yet another) interview paranet
- with Bob Lazar.
- 3star.int "3 star" interview on crashed disks. paranet
- 500000-year-old question and answer about the supposed to-be-merged
- half-million-year-old artifact
- discovered in 1961 in California.
- a-12.art Excerpts from a 1990 AvWeek article paranet
- on "black" aircraft
- aaas.doc Results of survey of aaas concerning paranet
- UFO's.
- a.a.v-faq The FAQ from the alt.alien.visitors .
- newsgroup
- a.a.v-mini-faq The Mini-FAQ from the alt.alien.visitors .
- newsgroup. Both of these are kept up
- to date by Steve Gamble (sgamble@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk)
- abduct.aus Abduction cases in Australia paranet
- abduct_2.aus More on Australian abduction cases paranet
- abductions.cis Description of Soviet UFOlogist's talk .
- at 1992 MUFON symposium concerning
- abductions in what was the Soviet Union.
- abductions.jacobs 1991 CBC interview with David Jacobs .
- concerning abductions.
- abduction.psychology Psychiatric evaluations of abductees .
- abductions UFO Magazine article on Abductions don.allen
- abductions.2 HUFON article on abductions don.allen
- abductions.aus Australian abductions don.allen
- abductions.books.councellors Reading list and councellors don.allen
- on abductions
- abduction.categories A proposed classification system for .
- abduction events.
- abductions.psychology Clinical Psyhologist's article on don.allen
- reactions of people reporting being
- ufo-abducted.
- admiral-hill-norton 1991 article on Admiral Lord .
- Hill-Norton, a "believer"
- Air-Force-Cadet-Manual USAF Cadet manual for Physics 370 .
- ("Space Science" -- a course that seems
- not to be taught any longer, at least
- with that reference number.) Chapter
- 33 - UFO's.
- airships Short exchange over the "Great Airship .
- Wave" of 1897.
- afosr Overview of the USAF Office of to-be-merged
- Scientific Research
- afosr-pnr USAF OSR Procurement Notices Report to-be-merged
- afosr-projects Report on USAF OSR "External to-be-merged
- Aerodynamics and Hypersonics" Project
- al.bielek Interview with Al Bielek, concerning .
- the "Philadelphia Experiement"
- alien.bases ORTN article on alien bases don.allen
- alien-liason.review A review of Timothy Good's "Alien .
- Liasons"
- aliens.betting Article describing how the famous .
- William Hill bookmakers are limiting
- their risk on their long-running
- "Aliens Landing" bet.
- aliens.crops Comments on 1991 crop formations don.allen
- aliens.puerto 1991 sightings over Puerto Rio don.allen
- aliens.soviet 1991 sightings over Khazakstan don.allen
- alien.types Description of "Alien Types" don.allen
- alien.types David House on types of alien .
- beings (turns out there's a bunch
- of 'em)
- aliens.wwii UFO's during WWII don.allen
- alien-bodies List of alledged alien bodies held .
- by the US Gommint (1947-1989)
- aliens.more Misc. Postings by the (in)famous John .
- Winston
- aliens.more.silly Comments on humanity's "reptilian past" .
- allagash Article concerning the abduction of .
- four men in August, 1976, and their
- hypnotic-regressed memories of it.
- alternative-3 Review of a book on "Alternative 3" to-be-merged
- alterative-3.hoax A skeptical description of to-be-merged
- "Alternative-3"
- ancient-indian.spaceships Posting regarding UFO's as ancient .
- Indian Flying devices.
- anderson Article about Gerald Anderson (of the .
- I-found-dead-aliens-in-1947-fame) and
- Stanton Friedman's belief in his story.
- anti-blue-book A review of government "non- to-be-merged
- investigations" of the UFO phenomenon.
- anti-grav Home-made "anti-gravity disks" don.allen
- apollo-11 Purported radio-traffic from Apollo-11 .
- of aliens on the moon
- aquarium More stuff on the "Aquarium Conspiracy" .
- aquarium.eschatology The "Aquarium Conspiracy", PSI-Tech, .
- the "Aviary", you name it, its in here
- somewhere...
- area-51 Misc. traffic about "Area 51" and "S4" .
- area-51.sights A tour of the Area 51 area. (say what?).
- argus.report Article describing the "Argus Report" .
- regarding Crop Circles.
- army-n-ufos.july.1947 UPI Article from St. Louis Post- .
- Dispatch on July 3, 1947 describing
- the Army as "mystified" about UFO's
- in western states.
- army-n-ufos.july.8.1947 July 8 UP and AP articles describing .
- what the Army Air Forces, Navy (and a Mr.
- Dunbar) are saying about the 1947
- UFO "wave".
- A51-picts-README Description of pics Area-51-pics
- A51-bigsign.gif This is the warning sign on the Area-51-pics
- north side of Groom Lake Road
- telling you to go away.
- A51-device.gif where Groom Lake Road enters the Area-51-pics
- Restricted Area.
- A51-littleALeInn.gif The Little A"Le"Inn roadhouse, motel, Area-51-pics
- and diner.
- A51-map.gif Map of the Tikaboo Valley which Area-51-pics
- includes Area 51, Rachel, the Black
- Mailbox, and Groom Lake.
- A51-panorama.gif Four photographs taken at the Black Area-51-pics
- Mailbox location on NV-375.
- A51-security.gif I was met by an unmarked olive-drab Area-51-pics
- Chevy full-size pick-up driven by a
- man dressed in desert fatigues. No
- government markings were on the truck,
- and it had Nevada plates.
- A51-smallsigns.gif More signs on the south side of Groom Area-51-pics
- Lake Road telling you to go away.
- ashtar "Telepathic Communication" concerning don.allen
- "universal truth concepts"
- ashtar-tell-all "Channeled" comments on things 'soon .
- to be revealed by the government'
- assault A theological analysis of Whitley .
- Streiber's first book
- astronaut-sightings Collected sightings of US astronauts .
- astronauts US Astronaut sightings .
- astronomers Survey of aaas members concerning ufos don.allen
- tk-majic Another view of MJ-12/Majestic/Majic to-be-merged
- etc.
- aurora Article on "Aurora" aircraft don.allen
- aurora Some more recent traffic on the .
- purported "Aurora" aircraft.
- authentic-spook Paul McGinnis discusses how to find to-be-merged
- what doesn't want to be found.
- ball-lighting Excerpts from July, 1993 Discover
- Magazine article concerning possible don.allen
- explainations for the phenomenon
- of "ball lightning".
- bama "BAMA" sightings don.allen
- barry.goldwater transcript of US Senator Goldwater's .
- UFO-related comments during a 1988
- radio interview
- bartoo Commentary concerning one Walter to-be-merged
- Bartoo
- bbs-list MUFONET bbs listing don.allen
- beckley.mib A review of Tim Beckley's "The UFO .
- Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black".
- belgium Article on Belgian UFO sightings don.allen
- belgium.1990 Translation of a Belgian Air Force .
- report on UFO sightings on March 30-31,
- 1990
- belgium.air-force Article on the Belgian sightings don.allen
- and the cooperation between UFO
- groups and the Belgian Air Force to
- investigate them
- belgium.sobeps SOBEPS report on Belgian sightings .
- belgufo1.jpg Purported picture of the triangular images
- UFO seen in Belgium recently.
- bennewitz Concerning "The Bennewitz Affair": to-be-merged
- Misinformation, Disinformation, MJ-12,
- and all that.
- bentwaters Lord Hill-Norton concerning the to-be-merged
- Bentwaters landing.
- bib Another UFO bibliography to-be-merged
- biefeld-brown Long exchange over the possibility .
- of antigravity 'drives'.
- bill.cooper Article on Bill Cooper and John Lear don.allen
- bill.cooper.2 More on Bill Cooper don.allen
- bill.cooper.3 More on Cooper and Lear don.allen
- bill.cooper.4 More on Bill Cooper (parts 1-3 in .
- don.allen directory)
- bill.cooper.5 More on Bill Cooper .
- bill.cooper.6 More on Bill Cooper .
- bill-cooper.new More Cooper. More Project-names for .
- the masses!
- bill.cooper.more.more.more More Cooper. *More* Project-names .
- for the masses!
- bill.english Article on Bill English don.allen
- Bill-English-bbs Announcement of a (for profit) UFO BBS .
- run by Bill English
- billy.meier Billy and the Pleiadians .
- black.programs Article on secret ("black") US .
- Gummint programs
- bob.lazar Interview transcript from a KLAS .
- interview
- Bob-Lazar.gif The face of the man himself. Groom-Lake
- bob.oechsler The Carp Case, Bob Oechsler, and to-be-merged
- all that.
- bob.oechsler.interview Transcript of an interview of Bob .
- Oeshsler on the UK's Radio 1.
- book-list H. S. Stewart's UFO Book List don.allen
- bluebook.txt The "unknowns" of Project Bluebook's don.allen
- report, compiled by Don Berliner
- brazil Concerning the "Chupa wave" in to-be-merged
- Brazil.
- build.ufo "How to build a Flying Saucer" by don.allen
- T.B. Pawlicki
- calif-underground-bases HUFON article on Underground Bases don.allen
- canada.1992 Canadian UFO Survey, 1992 .
- canada.1993 The 1993 Canadian UFO Survey to-be-merged
- canadian-archives A survey of UFO sources to be found to-be-merged
- in Canadian Governmental archives.
- canadian-files Article describing how official .
- Canadian UFO investigation (the
- National Research Council, specifically)
- files have been mouldering in the
- national archives.
- carp-report The Carp Case, from MUFON Ontario to-be-merged
- carp.info Commentary on the Carp Case to-be-merged
- carp.mufon More on the Carp Case to-be-merged
- carp.report "Carp - the final word" (including to-be-merged
- RCMP reports)
- cases.1992 MUFONET "Current cases" file don.allen
- cattle Report on recent (1992-3)cattle .
- mutilations in Alabama, USA.
- cattle-mutes-alabama Black Helicopters and mutlizations to-be-merged
- in Alabama
- cattle-mutilations Recent cattle mutilations in .
- Colorado.
- cc-radionuclides A report showing interesting results to-be-merged
- from an analysis of crop-circle
- soil samples.
- cereal.madness "Circular Madness", by Rosemary .
- Guiley. Hard times in Cereal Hall...
- cfr.1211 Code of Federal Regulations #1211 - .
- "Extraterrestrial Exposure". That's
- right, the US Law that applies...
- cia.follies Article on problems of the CIA .
- (including those pesky UFO-related
- FOIA requests.)
- cia.research "Associated Investigator's" article that .
- attacks Bruce Maccabee and many others,
- alleging CIA contacts.
- clarke-on-seti Arthur C. Clarke's message concerning .
- the cancellation of SETI
- clear-intent.interview 1988 Interview with Barry Greenwood, .
- co-author of the well-received CAUS
- book "Clear Intent"
- cleveland.1966 A group articles concerning UFO .
- sightings over Cleveland in April,
- 1966, and what happened to a witness
- (nothing sinister, but the witness'
- reputation was savaged
- and his life generally ruined..)
- cocaine Some pretty wild stuff concerning don.allen
- Paul Bennewitz, underground bases, etc.
- con-lincoln-neb Description of UFO conference in don.allen
- Lincoln, Nebraska
- condon.mutiny A description of some of the sorry .
- details of the Condon "investigation" on
- behalf of the USAF. See David Saunders'
- "UFOs? Yes!" of a thorough examination.
- (Saunders was in the Condon group, which
- splintered over Condon's obvious (and
- pre-arranged) negative conclusion, regardless
- of evidence.
- condon Misc. Comments by Keith Rowell on don.allen
- the Condon report.
- confirmation.papers Government-document researchers to-be-merged
- find that the web of agencies
- involved included the NSA at a
- much earlier period than was
- previously thought, including
- reproductions of documents.
- confrontation-book-review Review of Vallee's don.allen
- "Confrontations"
- confrontations.review Don Ecker's review of Jacques Vallee's don.allen
- "Confrontations", and Vallee's reply.
- conspiracies-for-all The New World Order is coming for .
- you! The Super-Rich are going to
- put us all in a concentration camps.
- Start stocking up on canned goods!
- controllers file is called "the-controllers" .
- cooper-n-lear More stuff from Lear, Cooper, etc., .
- with commentary.
- cooper2 Misc. commentary on Bill Cooper .
- cooper-speaks "Wild Bill" Cooper on the bad guys
- on the computer nets, and so on.
- cooper.frequency Where to find Bill Cooper (on shortwave).
- cooper-from-vallee Excerpts of an interview of to-be-merged
- Bill Cooper by Jacques Vallee
- cooper.whole-life-expo Transcript of Bill Cooper's talk at .
- the 1989 "Whole Life Expo" -- the
- basics of his story...
- cosmic More "revelations of cosmic awareness", .
- including descriptions of back issues,
- and issue 93-12. New Age conspiracies
- for the masses!
- cosmic.more More "Revelations of Cosmic .
- Awareness"-- what's ahead for 1993.
- (This is an old issue, obviously.)
- coverup Misc. philosophizing about "why cover don.allen
- up the 'truth' about ufos"
- cover-stories excerpts from article "Lying by the .
- Book" concerning cover stories for
- various "black" programs
- CPR-UN-ufos Crop Circle researcher Colin Andrews .
- on a talk given by himself and others
- to the UN in October, 1993
- crop-circles HUFON and MUFON Articles on Crop don.allen
- Circles, plus bibliography
- crop.circles Misc. articles on crop circles .
- crop-circle.1993 Center for North Am. Crop-Circle don.allen
- Studies update on 1993 crop
- circle in England.
- crop-circles.un Comments concerning a UN-sponsored .
- crop-circle investigation (and the odd
- snide comment from the poster)
- crop-watcher Several recent issues of "The Crop .
- Watcher"
- crop-watcher-2 Issues 16, 17, 18, 19 of "The Crop .
- Watcher", a Crop Circle 'zine.
- crop.watcher.21 "Crop Watcher" number 21 to-be-merged
- crowley article about ol' Al Crowley, magic, .
- this, that and the other thing
- cseti-mexico CSETI's report on their trip to Mexico .
- in Jan/Feb. 1993.
- csicop-and-skeptic George Hansen analyzes the great .
- nay-sayers of the modern age. Its not
- a happy story...
- csicop-and-skeptic.2 More of the same. .
- cta "Call To Adventure" - UFO's and to-be-merged
- the mythic imagination.
- cufon CUFON presents a collection of to-be-merged
- FOIA-recovered documents
- cufon.ttaroswell CUFON's letter to the author of to-be-merged
- "The Truth About Roswell" concerning
- perceived ommisions.
- cults Excepts from "Phenomenon - 40 years to-be-merged
- of flying saucers" concerning "ufo
- cults".
- cutler-twining.evidence commentary on the "Cutler-Twinging to-be-merged
- Memo"
- dead Stuff on 'dead alien bodies' don.allen
- dean.txt Description of a presentation by to-be-merged
- Bob Dean and Stanton Friedman in
- Chicago in August, 1994.
- debukeritis Humerous article of "dubunkers" .
- disc-decline.1947 Newspaper story from July 9, 1947 .
- (one day after the Roswell crash news
- release) about how an US Army and
- Navy "crackdown" on reports is causing
- them to decline in number
- disc-decline.1947-2 Report of above article in another .
- newspaper.
- disc-decline.1947-3 Article from July 9, 1947 concerning .
- the decline in sightings, plus
- a teletype sent by the FBI (to another
- FBI office about the Roswell Disk.
- disk-shaped.airplanes Collected list of "disk-shaped" US .
- aircraft
- don-schmitt-conversation Comments about a chat with Don Schmitt, to-be-merged
- author of "The Truth About Roswell"
- don-schmitt.on-roswell Comments about another chat with Don to-be-merged
- Schmitt.
- don-schmitt.online Transcript of an on-line interview to-be-merged
- with Don Schmitt on Compuserve.
- dont-know MUFONET NYC Newsletter article don.allen
- opinion piece on "believers"
- dreamland-trip Trip report to Area 51 to-be-merged
- dulce.nm "Phoenix Project"'s 'Dulce Report' and .
- 'K-2 Report', plus commentary.
- ebe.txt Excerpt from Jerome Clarks' "UFOs in .
- the 1980s", dealing with reports of
- Extraterrestrial Biological Entities"
- ehp A critique of the NRC's (generally don.allen
- negative) 1988 report on "Enhancing
- Human Performance"
- engines Description of "starship engines" .
- england.50s Description of supposed coverup of .
- sightingsby Ministry of Defense in
- England.
- english Bill English and the alleged .
- "Report #13"
- english-on-krill Bill English discusses "The Krill to-be-merged
- Papers"
- entirely-unpredisposed Cultural background of Abductee reports don.allen
- e.t.-law Description of Title 14, Section 1211 .
- of Federal Law, crimilizing
- "Extraterrestrial Exposure"
- et-laws Article on CFR 1211, and commentary. .
- et.list A list of ET encounters from the .
- 1950's and 1960's.
- falcon-lake.1967 A 1980 report on the Canadian .
- incident involving a man being
- burned by an unusual object (seen
- on a recent episode of "Unsolved
- Mysteries"
- fatima-secret Discussion of the supposedly .
- apocalyptic (and ufo-related)
- 'third secret of Fatima'.
- fema FEMA, Mind Control, MJ-12, and don.allen
- everything
- fetus.ufo Report on alleged abducted fetus paranet
- fire.marshal Excerpts from the "Fire Officer's to-be-merged
- Guide to Disaster Control", Chapter
- 13 -- concerning UFO's.
- fla-boomerang Description of May, 1993 "Florida .
- Boomerang"
- foia Excellent guide to the ins and outs of .
- the Freedom of Information Act
- foia.hints Some information on mechanisms for .
- obtaining documents under the Freedom
- of Information Act, excerpted from an
- IUR article.
- foia-update An update from one of the net's most to-be-merged
- prolific FOIA requestors.
- freqs Radio frequencies of interest to-be-merged
- gao Excerpts from Washington Post article .
- on the new General Accounting Office
- (GAO) probe of "The Roswell Incident",
- at the request of NM Rep. Steven Schiff.
- gerald-anderson Article on Gerald Anderson (Roswell) don.allen
- germany Sighting report from Germany don.allen
- german.moon-bases Pretty wild stuff about Nazi Germany .
- landing on the moon and mars; antartic
- bases, and so on.
- goodman-lazar Excerpts from a 1989 radio interview to-be-merged
- with Bob Lazar
- gordon-cooper Gordon Cooper on supposed astronaut to-be-merged
- sightings of UFO's.
- government-psi Comments on government-sponsored to-be-merged
- psi research
- gravity2 Anti-Lazar article attacking his .
- descriptions of "how saucers work"
- great.changes Announcement of "Great Changes" .
- on January 11, 1992. (What, you
- didn't notice?)
- green.meteors Concerning "Project Twinkle" and .
- green meteors.
- greys.nsa The Greys help the NSA? Say it isn't .
- so!
- gritz-on-cooper Letter from Col. Bo Gritz concerning .
- Bill Cooper's various allegations.
- GroomLake-1968.gif Satellite photo of Groom Lake in Groom-Lake
- 1968, from EROS data center.
- GroomLake-1978.gif Long-distance photo of Groom Lake Groom-Lake
- in 1978
- GroomLake-1978-zoom.gif Closeup from the same location, with Groom-Lake
- a plane which may be a MiG parked in
- front of a hangar.
- groom-lake Goings on at Groom Lake -- the USAF .
- is trying to seize land around it,
- to keep people away...
- groom-lake.tour Camping out on "Freedom Ridge", .
- within sight of the non-base at
- Groom Lake.
- groom-lake-trip A Groom-Lake trip report to-be-merged
- groom-lake.toxic-suit Concerning the suit filed against to-be-merged
- the non-existant base where
- non-existant workers were illegally
- non-exposed to non-existant
- hazardous wastes.
- grudge-blue-book.report-13 Bill English's story of seeing .
- the officially-nonexistant "Report 13"
- (the one that doesn't exist, even
- though 14 does.)
- guardian The "Guardian Letter" to-be-merged
- gulf.breeze Gulf Breeze stuff don.allen
- gulf-breeze2 Excerpts from Gulf Breeze Sentinel don.allen
- on sightings there.
- gulf-breeze-6 Concerning "The Gulf Breeze Six" to-be-merged
- gulf-breeze.daylight Report on recent daylight sightings of .
- unusual objects in Gulf Breeze, Florida
- gulf-breeze-photo-analysis Description of a photoanalyst's .
- findings on the famous Gulf Breeze
- photos.
- guy-kirkwood Concerning Mel Noel/Guy Kirkwood to-be-merged
- hackers (a.k.a. "ufohack.txt") excerpts from .
- "Computer Underground Digest" article
- on 'hackers going after ufo secrets'
- Of unknown veracity -- (sage) comments
- afterwards
- hessdalen.report Summary of thoroughly-researched report .
- of mysterious lights in Norway in the
- early 1980's.
- history.txt A description of various ufo-related .
- events from 1897-1959
- history2.txt Descriptions of events of the alleged .
- government coverup of the UFO
- phenomenon from the early 1960's
- to 1988.
- hoagland Early report on the "Mars Face" paranet
- theories of Richard Hoagland
- hoagland-interview Excerpts from an interview with Richard to-be-merged
- "Face on Mars" Hoagland
- hoagland.notes Notes from Hoagland's video to-be-merged
- holographic-artifact concerning the purported "holographic
- artifacts" in the news lately
- horse-mutilation Excerpts from June, 1993 Denver Post .
- article concerning horses being
- mutilated in England.
- horton.brothers The Horton Brothers (German flying wing to-be-merged
- developers and Roswell/Twining.
- horton.wing Article on some of the Horton Brothers' .
- flying wings from WWII, including the
- turbojet powered Ho-IX fighter-bomber.
- hot-air Reactions to the "Associated .
- Investigators" allegations concerning
- CIA people every where. (The AIR file
- is in this archive as "cia-research".
- hudson.valley Hudson Valley, NY sighting information don.allen
- hudson-valley.abductions Article by Phil Imbrogno concerning .
- reported abductions in the Hudson
- Valley, NY.
- human Article on mutilations of humans .
- purportedly by UFO occupants.
- human.mutilations Discussion by Don Ecker of reports of .
- mutilations of humans by UFO occupants.
- hynek Misc. biographical comments on .
- J. Allen Hynek.
- hynek-blue-book Excerpt from Hynek's "The UFO .
- Experience - A Scientific Inquiry",
- concerning Project Blue Book and its
- bound-to-fail set-up.
- hynek-classifications Hynek's (classic) sighting categories don.allen
- hynek-interview Excerpts fomr a 1985 interview with .
- J. Allan Hynek concerning the UFO
- phenomenon.
- ice-files The "Ice Files", concerning Project to-be-merged
- Aquarius
- images directory of misc. images images
- images-online NASA images ftp-able! .
- indian.point.1984 Hudson Valley sightings, specifically don.allen
- Indian Point.
- inside-ufo Excerpts from a 1990 "Omni" magazine .
- article about the inside of a UFO,
- from interviews with abductees
- interstate-84 Article by Phil Imbrogno about recent .
- UFO sightings in Connecticut.
- into-the-fringe.review A review of Karla Turner's "Into the .
- Fringe"
- intro.cufon The USAF Manual again, but only the .
- first half of that in file
- "Air-Force-Cadet-Manual"
- investigators-edge MUFONET's "Investigator's Edge" series don.allen
- jackie-gleason Excerpts from a report on Jackie .
- Gleason's reported UFO-related
- activities.
- jacobs A description of lectures by "Dr. to-be-merged
- Jacobs", who apparently was on the
- Robertson Panel
- jacobs-and-klass Transcript of an April, 1992 "debate" .
- between abductionist David Jacobs and
- high-priest-of-the-skeptics Phil Klass.
- janap.146e2 Complete text of JANAP 146(E), which to-be-merged
- specifies reporting channels for UFO
- sightings. As released in Feb. 1994
- in response to a FOIA request.
- john.lear John Lear's "working hypothesis", .
- another Lear document, plus commentary
- john-lear John Lear's famous "statement" - Nazi to-be-merged
- Flying Saucers, MJ-12, etc., etc.
- john.lear.expose Stuff on John Lear by Don Ecker don.allen
- john.lear.letter 1987 Letter from John Lear to Steve .
- (Steve's last name isn't included)
- concerning MJ-12, EBEs, and all that.
- jusacisaaf Describing the Joint American Soviet to-be-merged
- Aerial Anomaly Federation, a consortium
- of UFO groups
- kecksburg Article about supposed crash of .
- UFO at Kecksburg, Pa. in 1965
- kecksburg2 Concerning the purported crash of a to-be-merged
- UFO in December 1965 at Kecksburg,
- Pa.
- KellyMine.gif Artists conception of the super secret Groom-Lake
- facility rumored to be in the Pappoose
- Range, just 10 miles south of Groom
- Lake. The facility is supposedly
- built into the mountains. At the
- location where the facility is rumored
- to be, USGS 7.5' topographic maps
- indicate a convergence of dirt roads
- to a mine site labeled "Kelly Mine".
- A friend told me that when he was in
- the military, they would often use
- abandoned mines as command posts
- during exercises.
- ken-arnold-article June, 1947 St. Louis Post Dispatch .
- AP article on the famous Ken Arnold
- sighting.
- keyhoe-moon Excerpts from Donald Keyhoe's "Flying to-be-merged
- Saucer Conspiracy", concerning purported
- activities on the moon in the 1950's
- and before.
- kingston.ontario A partial history of sightings in .
- the Kingston, Ontario area.
- klass-n-walton More in the neverending attacks by .
- Phil Klass on Travis Walton.
- klass-on-blum Phillip Klass' scathing critique .
- (gosh, what a surprise) of Howard
- Blum's "Out There."
- knapp-harder-interview Radio interview of George Knapp, don.allen
- reguarding Bob Lazar
- kortron Another interdimensional being speaks! to-be-merged
- krill More on the source for the "krill .
- papers"
- krill.2 More commentary on the "krill papers" don.allen
- krill.papers The infamous "O.H. Krill" Papers .
- krill.papers.commentary Commentary on the above .
- land-grab.take-2 more on the groom lake land grab to-be-merged
- lazar.documents A timeline of Bob Lazar's life (with
- footnotes) up to June 1993
- lazar.fiction Glenn Campbell (of "The Groom Lake to-be-merged
- Desert Rat") comments on Bob Lazar
- lazar.info Interviews with Robert Lazar .
- lazar.movie Information on the (maybe)upcoming .
- movie based on Robert Lazar's
- allegations.
- lazar.jet-car The 1982 story on his jet-car that to-be-merged
- Lazar claims Dr. Edward Teller saw
- before meeting him (and eventually
- recommending him to S-4).
- lazar.physics Comments on Bob Lazar's reports of to-be-merged
- things he saw at Area-51.
- lazar.technical A collection of interviews with .
- Bob Lazar
- leonard.stringfield Table of crash/retrieval events from .
- Leonard Stringfield's books
- lear-et-al Don Ecker (of "Ask UFO" Magazine) on don.allen
- Cooper, Lear, and others
- lear.las-vegas Article (from Paranet) by journalist .
- Lars Hansson concerning John Lear,
- Bill Cooper, and Hansson's claims of
- Lear's complicity in a giant conspiracy
- to subvert just about everything. [LONG]
- levitation Excerpts from "The Secret of .
- Levitation", using sonics.
- lib.of.congress Listing of UFO books from the US .
- Library of Congress
- lincoln-junk Excerpts from an article from a .
- Lincoln Nebraska newspaper concerning
- weird things in the sky in January, 1994.
- linda-moulton-howe Overview of a L.M.H. talk .
- linda-napolitano A counter-report 'against' Hopkins' don.allen
- telling of the "Linda Case"
- little-ale-inn.goof Goofy little article on the biggest to-be-merged
- little alien bar and grill in
- the world.
- long-island A report on the purported long island to-be-merged
- ufo crash in 1992.
- long-island.ssp Excerpts from a May, 1993 article in don.allen
- the "South Shore Press" (a LI
- newspaper) concerning the purported
- crash/retreival.
- long-island-by-isw Comments by "Island Skywatch" (another .
- Long Island, NY UFO organization) on
- LIUFON's "UFO crash" story.
- long-island.liufon Long Island (NY) UFO Network press .
- release concerning their claims of a
- crash/retreival in South Haven Park
- on Nov. 24, 1992.
- loonies Predictions from Space Aliens! .
- Read or Die!
- maji "Maji" documents .
- magnetic-implant-reponseDiscussion of abductions, don.allen
- implantations, and possible defenses.
- magonia The Magonia Sighting Database files magonia
- mantell Testimony and information on the to-be-merged
- Mantell crash in 1948
- mantell-2 Another version of the story of the to-be-merged
- Mantell crash
- maritime Some CAUS-obtained Maritime UFO stuff don.allen
- mars Hoagland, the Face on Mars, and all .
- that.
- mars-again Mars Observer and the Phobos' .
- mars.face Excerpts from an article by Hoagland. .
- mars-face.jpl-waffles Posting from PI of JPL Mars Observer .
- Camera concerning the "Mars-Face", and
- JPL's sudden waffling of whether the
- "face" will be photographed or not.
- ('We'll try, but we won't succeeed. But
- we're not bad guys.')
- mass-abduction HUFON report of Dec. 1992 abduction don.allen
- mass-abductions.1992 Article on the reported mass abduction .
- event in Houston, Texas in 1992
- mcarthur.1955 Concerning Douglas McArthur's to-be-merged
- "Interplanetary war" speech.
- mcdaniel.report A closer look at the 'face on mars', to-be-merged
- NASA's administration, and decisions
- on who sees what when...
- meier Billy Meier, and all that. don.allen
- meier2 Excerpts from Wendell Stevens on Billy .
- Meier, and all that.
- men-in-black Overview of the "MIB" phenomenon .
- mexican-crash Report to "Deneb Team Members" .
- concerning purported crash of a ufo in
- northern Mexico in 1974, plus a
- reported 1971 abduction.
- mexico-city Report on UFO sighting in 1991 during don.allen
- eclipse in Mexico
- mexico-city.video Report on video(s) of same don.allen
- mars-again Mars Observer and the Phobos' .
- MEX-UFO.info Pictures of UFO's over Mexico in images
- 1991 and 1992
- MEX-UFO.1.jpg Picture #1 images
- MEX-UFO.2.jpg Picture #2 images
- MEX-UFO.3.jpg Picture #3 images
- MEX-UFO.4.jpg Picture #4 images
- MEX-UFO.5.jpg Picture #5 images
- MEX-UFO.6.jpg Picture #6 images
- MEX-UFO.7.jpg Picture #7 images
- naziufos.gif Drawings of supposed Nazi Germany- images
- developed flying disks.
- micap Description of MICAP (Paranet) .
- micap-vallee-ufo-classification-system A description of a new .
- (non-Hynek) UFO-sighting
- classification system
- michigan.1993 Reports of UFO's in Michigan .
- midway Information about the recent sightings to-be-merged
- at Midway, New Mexico
- mind-control.bibliography A bibliography brainwashing, to-be-merged
- hypnosis, drugs, and other techniques
- of "mind control"
- misc-mid-80s.sightings Just what it says .
- mj12 "Phoenix Project"'s 'The Ultimate .
- Secret'
- MJ12.bilge a fairly rambling collection of "dark- to-be-merged
- side"isms, apparently originally posted
- as one gigantic paragraph - edited
- for readability. (Note: the file name
- is not my idea...)
- mj12-fbi.txt FOIA replies to recent requests for to-be-merged
- FBI "MJ-12" documents.
- mj12.vallee excerpts from Vallee's "Revelations" don.allen
- on the MJ-12 stuff
- montana.1976 Short article concerning chases by .
- USAF planes of UFOs over Montana in
- 1976.
- montel-williams-area-51 comments on a recent Montel Williams to-be-merged
- show that touches on "Area 51"
- moon-structures Analysis of proported photographs of
- structures found on the Moon
- moore-again Comments on a recent interview to-be-merged
- with Bill Moore.
- moulton-howe 1991 animal mutilation update don.allen
- mufon MUFON 1991 Conference Recap don.allen
- mufon2 Misc. MUFON (old) news don.allen
- mufon.89 MUFON's 1989 Sightings file (plus Jan. .
- 1990)
- mufon-inv MUFON "Investigator's Edge" series don.allen
- mutilation.1967 SF Chronicle article from October, .
- 1967 on mutilated horse in Colorado.
- napolit.ufo Critical, anti-Bud Hopkins description don.allen
- of the "Linda" case.
- nasa.1967 Article from 1967 NICAP publication don.allen
- describing UFO seen over Ohio NASA
- installation.
- nasa-himat A description of NASA's Highly to-be-merged
- Maneuverable Aircraft project
- nasa-x31 A description of NASA's X-31 to-be-merged
- demonstrator project
- nasa-xplanes A description of the various to-be-merged
- "X" planes
- navajo More on the 'Navajo mystery disease', .
- what isn't (that is, it isn't what they
- said it is), and what it might be.
- new-lightning Announcement of "huge flashed of .
- light" in the upper atmosphere.
- nightfall.memo A declassified 1975 memo inpinging to-be-merged
- on MJ-12
- non-lethal 1993 article on UFO-related US .
- "non-lethal weapons" research.
- north-am.crop-circles.1993 List of Crop Circles found in .
- North America so far in 1993.
- nsa.charter The original charter of the NSA, .
- rescued for your eyes by the FOIA.
- nsa.security The NSA's security guidelines to-be-merged
- nuclear-sites Reports of sightings over or near .
- nuclear power plants from the
- early 1950's through to the
- 1980's.
- oberg.txt The great space-science god speaks! .
- James Oberg on the "chunks of ice"/
- "ufo battle" battle.
- oberg-on-astro-sightings Space writer James Oberg comments to-be-merged
- on Brad Steiger's list of astronaut
- sightings
- oechsler-calls-it-quits Bob Oechsler's fairwell-to-the-field to-be-merged
- oechslers-reply Oechsler replies to "Carp: Final Word" to-be-merged
- oechsler.interview.bbc1 Transcript of a 1993 interview of to-be-merged
- Bob Oechsler.
- october.1992.surprise Bizarro predictions of the "October don.allen
- surprise conspiracy" (of 1992)
- online-books Information on UFO-CD's. .
- ontario Account of supposed crash in Ontario .
- in November, 1989
- operation-majority-mj12 "Operation Majority"/MJ-12 Stuff .
- from Bill Cooper and John Lear
- oprah Interview on the "Oprah Winfrey" show .
- with "Buzz" Aldrin, Al Bean, Ed
- Mitchell, Jim Irwin, and Charles Duke
- discuss their trips to the moon,
- UFO's, coverups, etc.
- op.right-to-know Flyer from Operation Right to Know
- orvotron Newsletter for "Ascending Star People" don.allen
- out-there.booknotes Some notes on Howard Blum's book .
- "Out There"
- ovotron.1991 Several "Orvotron Newsletters" from .
- 1991
- ovotron.1992 An "Orvotron Newsletter" from 1992 don.allen
- oxcart The story of the plane we know of to-be-merged
- as the SR-71
- pancakes.info The "Zimmer Skimmer" V173/F5U .
- 'flying pancake' from WWII and
- immediately thereafter.
- paranet-hierarchy Description of the alt.paranet paranet
- newsgroup hierarchy
- paranet-nodes List of Paranet nodes world-wide .
- paranoia Excerpts from a 1989 CUFOS editorial .
- concerning paranoia, disinformation,
- and the law.
- pentacle.memo CAUS-obtained 1953 USAF UFO memo .
- pflock Comments on Karl Pflock's "Roswell to-be-merged
- in Perspective"
- philadelphia Misc. Postings on the "Philadelphia .
- Experiment"
- phil-exp.search-mag Excerpts from article on the .
- "Philadelphia Experiment" from
- Search Mazazine
- phoenix Portions of "The Cry of the Phoenix", don.allen
- by "Hatonn"
- phoenix.humor Iain Jaemeson's parody of the above. .
- phoenix.journal More Bizarro stuff from "Hatonn" don.allen
- phoenix.project Concerning "The Phoenix Project" to-be-merged
- phoenix-rainbow-phil.exp Interview with Al Bielek conncerning .
- the "Philadelphia Experiment" and
- its purported successor, "Project
- Rainbow," the "Phoenix Project",
- and the "Montauk Project."
- pilot-sightings Excerpts from a 1987 Air & Space .
- magazine article on pilot sightings
- with commentary
- pleadians Channeled "interview" with the .
- Pleadians.
- popovich Commentary on Marina Popovich .
- (concerning Soviet 'Phobos encounter'
- claims)
- pop-sci Excerpts from the recent Popular to-be-merged
- Science article on the Groom Lake
- non-base.
- psi.tech An interview with Ed Dames, of the .
- famous/infamous firm "Psi-Tech" discusses
- UFO's, the Taos Hum, Mars, and most everything
- else.
- pyramid.hidden-chamber Report on a newly-found hidden chamber .
- in the Great Pyramid.
- queensland.1966 Article from a 1969 issue of Flying .
- Saucer Review of a 1966-1968 series
- of sightings of an unusal things in
- Queensland, Australia.
- randle-letter A letter from Kevin Randle to to-be-merged
- the Internet.
- religion.ufo A New-Age view of UFOs .
- rdr-july-8.1947 Articles from the front page of the .
- "Roswell Daily Record", July 8, 1947:
- the 'capture' announcement, reactions
- from local residents, and an interview
- with Gen. Nathan Twining.
- roswell.archeologists Concerning the supposed archeologist- to-be-merged
- witnesses to the Roswell crash
- roswell-autopsy Still purported to be from the infamous roswell-autopsy
- "Roswell autopsy film."
- roswell-blanchard The curious movements of Col. Blanchard to-be-merged
- at the time of the Roswell crash.
- roswell.brouhaha Comments about the Roswell controversy, .
- and the towering egos involved.
- roswell-crash Testimony of Roswell witnesses .
- roswell.declaration The Roswell Declaration to-be-merged
- roswell.fbi FBI telex concerning Roswell incident, don.allen
- July 8, 1947
- roswell-news.july.1947 News articles concerning flying .
- disc sightings in July 1947.
- roswell.personalities Some of the personalities in the to-be-merged
- Roswell story
- roswell.psi Psychic on Roswell don.allen
- roswell-q-n-a Some useful questions and answers .
- aboutthe purported crash of a ufo in
- NM in 1947, "MJ-12", and a few
- other things.
- roswell-summary Newspaper and Teletyps about and to-be-merged
- around the Roswell crash
- roswell.timeline Timeline of Roswell events don.allen
- roswell.timeline.another A timeline of the events surrounding .
- the UFO crash at Roswell, NM in 1947.
- roswell.witness Pro-Anderson telling of the Gerald don.allen
- Anderson story
- russia.1993 New reports of UFO's in Russia. .
- russian.sdi Excerpts from an article from "Just .
- Cause" concerning Russian SDI
- experiments, UFO's, and government
- manipulation of UFO stories to suit
- their own purposes.
- sagan.1962 Article from 1962 in which Carl .
- Sagan (yes, that Carl Sagan) saying
- that alien civilizations have probably
- visited earth "every few thousand
- years".
- scallion "Earth Changes and Preditions" from don.allen
- Gordon-Michal Scallion
- scott.jones Long (but very thorough :-) attack .
- on Dr. Scott Jones, a "mover and shaker"
- in the UFO field.
- secret-history Notes from Robert Hastings' "secret to-be-merged
- history of the UFO"
- seti NASA Press Kit information on SETI .
- project
- seti-dead Report on the "death" of the seti .
- project, though it may not be...
- seti-law Text of the NASA "Seti Law" to-be-merged
- seti-returns Excerpts from news stories concerning .
- the uncancellation of the SETI project
- by private donations.
- siberia Commentary on the "Tunguska explosion .
- of 1908
- sightings Report of 1978 UFO-related aircraft don.allen
- disappearance in Australia
- sitchin.endless.beginning Excerpts from Zecharia Sitchin's to-be-merged
- "The 12th Planet"
- sitchin-interview Interview with Zecharia ("12th .
- Planet") Sitchin about just about
- everything.
- sitchin.interview2 An interview with Zecharia Sitchin to-be-merged
- skeleton-on-the-moon Report on a Chinese scientist's .
- allegations of Apollo 11 finding a
- human skeleton on the moon, and
- a resulting coverup.
- skeptics.ftp Collected "Skeptical" newsletters, .
- where to ftp 'em from.
- socorro-saucer discussion of the symbol seen on the .
- "Socorro Saucer", by Lonnie Zamora
- in 1964. (pictures in "images" directory)
- socorro-hynek.gif Version of symbol from Hynek's images
- description
- socorro-holder.gif Version of symbol from Ray Stanford's images
- book "Socorro Saucer"
- soviets Excerpts from article on Soviet to-be-merged
- UFO secrets
- soviet.1989 Excerpts from a newspaper article .
- describing recent Soviet ufo-related
- events.
- soviet-revenge Russian newspaper story on released .
- documents of a 'battle' between
- Soviet Army units and a UFO.
- soviets article describing Soviet ufology. .
- soviet.ufology Article from Soviet UFologist on don.allen
- psychological and physical effects
- from UFO encounters.
- space-disasters A compendium of failed space missions to-be-merged
- spacenew.txt More on Hoagland and the alleged paranet
- "secret Mars project"
- spook-interview 1998 article of an interview with .
- a self-professed ex-intelligence
- agent
- stale-horse (Anti) review of Bill Cooper's "Behold don.allen
- a Pale Horse"
- star.warriors Bizarro "Star Warrior" stuff don.allen
- state-by-state.1947 Chart of sighting types, broken down .
- by state for the June and July, 1947
- "UFO flap"
- statistics MUFON's "UFO Trivia" (1990) don.allen
- stevens-meier-and-all-that what it says .
- strieber Commentary on Whitley Strieber's .
- "Farewell" Letter
- streiber-king.1992 Transcript of a March 1992 interview .
- of Whitley Streiber on the Larry King
- show.
- strieber-waves-goodbye Whitley Strieber gives the finger to don.allen
- the UFO Community, plus commentary
- strieber2 Strieber's "Farewell" Letter, plus don.allen
- some commentary
- strieber3 Complete text of Strieber's last don.allen
- "Communion Newsletter"
- sts48-footage Comments about the STS 48 "space to-be-merged
- battle" videotape
- swamp-gas.journal Swamp-Gas Journal V6 N1. don.allen
- swamp-gas.journal V6N4 of the SGJ. .
- swamp-gas.journal.v7n1 V7N1 of the SGJ. to-be-merged
- tectonic-strain Analysis of the "Tectonic Strain" to-be-merged
- theory of UFOs.
- testors.kit Description of the recently-released .
- Testor's model of the Aurora craft.
- the-controllers The CIA, the Nazi's, UFO's, you name .
- it.
- the-controllers.comments - Comments on the abduction phenomenon to-be-merged
- the-final-answer.book Review of a new book ("UFOs: the final .
- answer?", with by articles by various
- writers.
- triangular.1983 Report of triangular UFO over Hudson .
- Valley, NY in 1983.
- triangular.1988 Report of triangular UFO over Ohio in .
- 1988.
- triangular-ufos The Eastlake case to-be-merged
- twining-schulgen.letter Gen. Twining to Gen. Schuler memo, 23 don.allen
- September, 1947
- twosun 1965 article on the theory that don.allen
- our solar system has two suns.
- types Description of types of described don.allen
- aliens seen by various witnesses.
- ufo.bibliography Collected UFO books .
- ufo-conference.las-vegas-93 Report on the Las Vegas UFO .
- conference in December, 1993.
- The-UFO-Conspiracy Coverups, according to Bill Cooper .
- ufo-crashes.list An (incomplete) compedium of supposed to-be-merged
- crashes of UFO's
- ufo.desert-storm Report of UFO shoot-down during .
- operation desert storm.
- ufo-expo.review Report on the California "UFO .
- Expo" in October, 1993.
- ufo-guide Nick Humphries' "UFO Guide" ufo-guide
- ufo1a2a.txt Description of pictures taken and Oregon-sighting
- reproduced as ufo1a and ufo2a in
- the same directory.
- ufo1a.tif Picture from a UFO sighting December
- 5, 1995 in Beaverton, OR. Sent in by
- Alan Rogers (arogers@mail.graphicmedia.com)
- (gif version also in same directory)
- ufo2a.tif Picture from a UFO sighting December Oregon-sighting
- 5, 1995 in Beaverton, OR. Sent in by
- Alan Rogers (arogers@mail.graphicmedia.com)
- (gif version also in same directory)
- UFOGUM01.JPG A "ufo bubblegum card" Nowicki-Pics
- by Michael Nowicki
- UFOGUM02.JPG ditto
- UFOGUM03.JPG ditto
- UFOGUM04.JPG ditto
- UFOGUM05.JPG ditto
- ufos-n-ndes UFO's and the Near Death Experience to-be-merged
- ufo.occupants.categories classification of UFO occupants. .
- ufology.books H.S. Stewart's list of known and don.allen
- "must-read" UFO books
- ufo-religion "Aliens Among Us -- A UFO Conspiracy .
- Hypothesis in a Religious Mode", by
- John White.
- UFO-TV-Show.guide Guide to the old Gerry and Sylvia .
- Anderson adventure show of the late
- 1960's and early 1970's, "UFO".
- ummo Brief review of the famous mid-1960's .
- "Ummo" case, and speculations on KGB
- involvement.
- underground.berlitz Excerpts from Berlitz's "World of .
- Strange Phenomena" about a "vast
- underground city" in Central Asia.
- underground-kelly-afb Purported description of underground .
- hangars at Kelly AFB in the early
- 1960's, and a crashed ufo by a
- witness.
- un.et.presentation Description of the UN SEAT (Society .
- for Enlightenment and Transformation)
- symposium in October, 1993.
- unmasking Part one of "Unmasking the Enemy: to-be-merged
- Visions and Deception in the End Times"
- usaf.manual.ufos "Air-Force-Cadet-Manual" again, in a .
- slightly different form.
- usaf-roswell-report The curious publishing of the USAF to-be-merged
- "Final" explaination of the Roswell crash
- usaf-roswell.complete Well, not complete (the full report is to-be-merged
- 1,000+ pages, but here's the 25 page
- 'summary' released to the media
- usaf.chapter.info Comments on the "UFO chapter in a to-be-merged
- USAF Textbook" reports
- usaf.textbook.chapter Chapter from USAF's Textbook don.allen
- "Introductory Space Science"
- usaf.1977 Report of ufo incident at Alsworth .
- AFB (South Dakota) in 1977.
- vallee CUFOS attacks Vallee's book .
- "Revelation" (surprise!)
- vallee.int 1991 Interview with Jacques Vallee paranet
- vallee-rodeghier.letter Letter from Jacques Vallee to Mark .
- Rodeghier concerning one of Mark's
- articles, and Mark's reply.
- venus Concerning venus-as-ufo .
- identifications
- victorian Comments on the Alexander/Victorian/ to-be-merged
- Aviary controversy
- visitors-from-within "Channeled" stuff which may, or may .
- not be of interest.
- wackenhut Article on Wackenhut Corp. shenanigans don.allen
- wales.ufo Description of the RAF base .
- at Brawdy, West Wales, and
- how it may relate to UFOs
- web.txt "New Age Cosmic" stuff: "Nightmare don.allen
- Hall" (Dulce, NM, MJ-12, hybrids,
- you-name-it)
- what-if 1993 article on suppositions of .
- aliens landing today.
- white-sands Strange goings-on at White Sands, to-be-merged
- NM
- whos-who 1991 "Who's who" in UFOlogy (according don.allen
- to MUFON)
- wired.article Excerpts from a recent "Wired" article to-be-merged
- on Groom Lake
- withdrawal.txt Comments on "withdrawals" of classified to-be-merged
- elements of National Archive files.
- world Article on the world of UFOology .
- and the sorry state it can be said
- to be in...
- wright-patterson Comments on the significance of don.allen
- x-files.au Sun "au" file format of the "X-files" .
- opening theme.
- zeta-reticula Information on the Zeta-Reticula .
- system (where some aliens are
- purported to come from)
- zeta-reticuli Long and detailed discussion of .
- the "Hill map", the "Fish Map",
- and the Zeta Reticuli system.
- ----------
- Hope this helps!
- Charles